Voice Marketing and Printing Services is devoted to giving your business a means to get noticed in an affordable way. The cornerstone of marketing prosperity is gaining recognition through repetition, which is achieved by the continual implementation of branding and advertising in various forms of media that appeals to the target audience. Voice Marketing has the professional experience and expertise to help your business flourish in the most competitive markets. A professional, consistent and credible presentation of your business is what people will remember and what will keep them coming back. We will highlight the unique services your business offers so that you stand out among competitors with grace and style. Every business is special, and strategic branding is what gives it a voice. Voice Marketing and the County of San Bernardino Workforce Investment
Voice Marketing and Printing Services is under an exclusive multi-year contract as an affiliate and full-service advertising and marketing firm for the County of San Bernardino Workforce Investment. We are determined to fulfill and exceed our goals, which include assisting at-risk county businesses who need support in this tough economy. We will help identify their challenges, develop and implement a strategy to mitigate those challenges, and focus on employee retention to increase the workforce. Through a combined effort, Voice Marketing will strengthen each business’s brand and market share as well as improve their profitability.
About Ron Stark
Ron Stark is the owner and founder of Voice Marketing and Printing Services, an all-inclusive advertising and marketing firm. Voice Marketing develops and implements brand strategies, marketing tactics, and media plans, helping businesses increase their market share and improve their profitability. As the host of one of the longest-running, most popular television and radio talk shows in Southern California, Ron is known as the “Voice of the Inland Empire.” He is also a sought-after speaker and coach, presenting marketing and sales workshops and training for businesses and organizations throughout the region.
“Voice of the Inland Empire” is broadcast throughout the Inland Empire on Spectrum Cable as well online at VoiceoftheInlandEmpire.com and youtube.com/user/thevoiceronstark , reaching subscribers throughout Southern California.
Ron is highly active in the community, contributing his time to an array of local charities and organizations. He currently serves as the chair of the Equal Opportunity Commission for the County of San Bernardino, is on the board of directors of the Historic Downtown Merchants Association, and is also a member of the Upland Chamber of Commerce. He was formerly the president of the Board of Trustees at the Claremont Center for Spiritual Living and former president of the Rancho Cucamonga Chamber of Commerce, having served more than a decade on their board.